David Learns School Rules!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have been asked several times about blacklines for the David's we make while learning school rules, and it's here! AND IT IS FREE!!!  Stop by my TpT store to download it! 
This packet includes the blackline masters to make David and a "First Grade Rules!" writing page, don't worry for those of you who don't teach first I included a generic "School Rules!" template as well :)
I have also created a "David Learns the School Rules" poster that is displayed with the kids David's pictures. Here is a picture of what the poster in my room looks like.
I put the jpg image on my jumpdrive and brought it to Staples and they printed my poster in color in a 16X20. I made the poster in photoshop but then imported the image into PowerPoint so I could share it with you.


I will give a personalized poster away as a FREEBIE to the first 10 people who follow my blog and TpT store. All I need is for you to leave a comment letting me know you follow me, your email address and what you would like the name on the poster to say. Good luck! 


Doodle Bugs said...

you are so generous! I love David and I can not wait to make these with my first graders! :o) thank you!!!

Doodle Bugs Teaching
Doodle Bugs Paper

Schoolteacher said...

Hi Angie,

I already follow both your blog and your TPT store. I don't know how I ever taught Harcourt without your literacy packets. I love them!

I would love my own copy of the David poster, I had already planned on using your idea for the beginning of the year.

Here's what I would like the poster to say:

ByMrsGompah'sClass (but please insert spaces between the words).



Karen said...

I love to read the David book's to my class and they love them! I follow your blog and your TpT Store. I would love the poster. Please have the poster say:

By: Mrs. Papesh's Class

Thank You!


bigislandmom@iglide.net said...

Aloha, I hope I made it. I would love for the poster to say By: Mrs. Christian's Class. I am a follower of your blog and tpt store.

My email is cingalls@parkerschool.net

Tina Kincaid said...

I am a new follower and love the ideas on your site. You help new teachers like myself with the ideas you post! I am a follower of your tpt store as well :)
Thank you for your hard work!


Christine said...

This is so cute! Just found your blog through a pat on Pinterest. So many wonderful ideas...thanks for sharing your talent!


Anonymous said...

I would like my poster to say by Mrs. Young's class. Crazy that I am 4 days into break and planning for the fall, but it makes me happy. Thanks for your cute items. I follow your blog and TPT store :)

Mel said...

Soooo cute! I am following your blog now. I am already following your TPT store. Love your work!

Megan said...

I'm a follower of your blog and TPT store, and I already downloaded your pattern from TPT. Love it! I'd love a poster for my class, too: Mrs. Reynolds' Class. Thanks!


Mel said...

Oh and I would like it to say by Mrs. Chidester's class. Thank you!!

Sarabeth said...

I'm following you in my reader and your tpt store. I love no David and your blog too! Ourcuprunnethover2@gmail.com

Sarabeth said...

Ps would you make my poster say "mrs thompson's class"

Also I can't seem to leave a comment on your blog via my computer...comments only show up via my phone....don't know if it's just me or not...

Unknown said...

Hi! I am so excited to be following you! My students love David and I can't wait to do this activity! I think I made the cutoff for the poster, if so, my email is saranorman01@gmail.com and I would like it to say by Mrs. Norman's Class. Either way, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love, love the boy David. What a wonderful activity to start the year. I guess I missed the cut-off, but would like someway to get a poster with my class name on it. How would I do that? Will it be on Tpt?

Terri Paulson-Sasaki said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am so going to do this with my class. Really cute.

Sitting Behind Homeplate said...

I've been looking for the perfect first week project for my first grade class and this is awesome! Thanks

Cynthia said...

I love this! I am excited to see something so cute to try out this year. I am sure I am too late to get this wonderful poster but thought I would try. I can't wait to see your other amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

Please email: ccontreras9998@yahoo.com
Poster saying: Mrs. Contreras' Class.

From a fellow Chandler teacher

Trisha said...

I am a new follower of your blog and TPT! LOVE this idea and if you are still giving away the poster I would just adore one! Thanks so much for your amazing work!

By: Mrs. Landis' Class


JOJO said...

Hi, just found your blog and I'm in love! i'm a first grader too! =) I missed out on the free poster but thanks for the adorable freebie rules and craft activity! Can you help...I don't quite follow.....How did you get your name on the poster? =) Thanks so much for such a great idea!


Unknown said...

I just stumbled upon your FREEBIE on Pinterest! I LOVE it and plan to use it! August 2012 will be m first time as a new teacher for First Grade!! If you are willing to share how you got your name on the document, please email me mharsh82@gmail.com

Thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

awwww nuts...I'm probably too late but here's a shot anyway. I love following your blogs and goodies on TPT.I would love a poster if that offer still stands for "Mrs. Walls' Class". erika_kidnie@hotmail.com

kkoenig said...

It looks like I am too late also :( I just came across this pin on Pinterest and am VERY excited to do this with my first grade classroom! I was wondering if there was a way to pay you to make a poster for me, as I was not one of the ten to post.

My email address is: tkkoenig@iowatelecom.net

Thank you so much and I look forward to following your blog as I embark on my first year of teaching first grade!

Anonymous said...

I'd love a way to get the image (I can edit it myself) so I can hang these up the first week of school with my class of 1st graders. I'm moving from K-1st so I need some new ideas!!


Unknown said...

Hate that I missed the top 10 but still happy I found you and your TPT store!

Tracey Wilcox said...

I know I missed the free poster but can you send me the image so I can do what you did? I just moved from kindergarten to first grade and this is a great first week of school idea. Our first social studies unit is on rules. My email address is tracey@wiredrop.com. Great ideas and I am not going to start being a follower of your pinterest. Thank you fo rthe wonderful idea.

Keith Ferrell said...

I also love this idea. I have print shop, but I don't think it has the same capabilities as photo shop. Would you be willing to share with me even though I am extremely late? My email address is keith_ferrell@ipsd.org. I would be very appreciative. You have very cool ideas. Thanks for your help. I am definitely going to be a follower and have pinned you on my pinterest board.

Heather Perry said...

I know I'm too late to get the free poster, but I love your idea. I read this book to my first graders every first day of school. If you could send me the image, perhaps I could edit it myself. My email address is: haperry@bellsouth.net. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Boo! I'm too late for the poster. If your still willing to share your poster, I would love it. Your site has great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

Beverly Elrod said...

So sad I missed the poster freebie but so glad I found your blog!!! Thanks for sharing your talent!! My email is rbelrod@bellsouth.net I'd like to purchase a poster if possible??

Anonymous said...

I would like to purchase a poster and would like the black and white copy of David to make these with my class. Please email me at bschauss@centerville.k12.in.us. Thanks so much! Great idea!

Katie Romero said...

I would love the poster too. Please let me know if I can purchase it. kromero@rhmail.org Thanks!

Unknown said...

I too would love the poster. Please include me with info to purchase it.

Mrs. Wathen said...

I love the writing and craft! Super creative:)
I am having a birthday giveaway on my blog and would love for you to check it out!

The Resourceful Apple

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie,

Thank for sharing your creativity. I am unable to download Blacklines for David's and was wondering if you could email them...I would love to use at the beginning of the year with our Social Studies unit. THANK YOU!!! dinaleechavez@sbcglobal.net

corris said...

I would also like the poster. Please also include me with info to purchase.

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie: Thanks for your David poster - love it!! The kids love David - what a great idea!
I'm following your blog. By Ms. Diaz's Class

Anonymous said...

I love it! I would love the poster, if still available! If not, any information on how I can purchase it and download. Thanks, Lindsley Gehrig
Mrs. Gehrig's Class

Anonymous said...

Are you at all thinking about putting the poster on TpT? It is so dang cute. What do you have the children write under their creations?

Sara McDonald said...

Just getting turned on to all of this cute, cute stuff that you do. The kiddos love the David stories. Could I please get the poster with Mrs. McDonald's Class on it and Second Grade Rules? I will be happy to compensate you if you would like.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

LOVE, love, love this!!! I would be happy to pay you for the cute poster:) Would love for it to say Mrs. Mitchell's Class on it:)

Please email me at dmitch19@tampabay.rr.com and let me know:)

Thank you!

Cecilia Rodriguez said...

This is so cute!!! Love it and can't wait to do it with my class! Thanks for sharing! I do have a question about what is written underneath the pictures in the black frame? i can't zoom in enough (it gets blurry) to read what it says

Angie Neal said...

The kids each pick one school rule to teach David and write the rule for him. The free template on TpT has a writing sheet :)

Angie Neal said...

The poster is available on TpT for only $2! You can download and edit it to meet your needs:)

Unknown said...

I just found this activity on Pinterest and I LOVE it! Thank you so much for offering it for FREE. Plus, I started following your TPT store. Is your reading series still Trophies? Holy old!

Anne Stevenson said...

I love this idea. I was wondering though
is there a book David Learns School Rules. If so I am having a really hard time finding it.
Do you use David Goes to School as the read aloud to start this activity? Thats what I intend to do unless there is a book.
Also, I am doing a pirate theme and have modified David to wear a a scarf and eyepatch. Super cute!!!!

Sallie Neal said...

My name is Mrs. Neal also! Hope it's ok if I borrow your title page. Can't wait to do this with my kids!

Jennifer Gorham said...

Love this! I just started following your blog and TPT store. Thanks for the freebies.


Yvonnee said...

I am a new follower of your blog and TPT store and I would love a copy of your powerpoint- "David Learns the School Rules" poster .



Sara McDonald said...

Hi there,
I definitely will be following you. Your things are so neat. Could I please purchase your time to create the poster for me? I would need the "David Learns the School Rules" poster to say, "by Mrs. McDonald's Class"

Please let me know. smcdonaldca@sbcglobal.net
I am having difficulty finding the book. Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I love your idea for David! How could I get a poster to say 'By Mrs. Day's Class'?

Please let me know and thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love your idea!!! How can I do the poster to say By: Mrs. Vargas's Class
Please let me know
Thank you!!!!!

unknown said...

Hi! I was wondering if I can purchase the poster on your TPT site? I tried but I didn't see it. My email address is katherine.greenough@dsusd.us.


Anonymous said...

Love this! I am a new blog follower and Pinterest and just saw this. It's so cute, and I would love a copy of the poster so I can use it in my Special Ed class for rule review after our return from Thanksgiving break!


Unknown said...

I would love to get a poster. Is it still available to download on TPT? I found the other things but not the poster. Thanks! My email is kvoss@gips.org.

Penny said...

Angie I am a new follower! I can't wait to use so many of your super fun and creative things!! I smile new to 1st grade and this really helps!! I would love your poster! Is it still able to be downloaded on TPT?


Anonymous said...

Angie I am also a new follower! I love the David books. I would love your poster! Is it still able to be downloaded on TPT?


Anonymous said...

Angie, thank you for the wonderful poster idea. How can I get a poster that reads Ms. Rhonda's Class? Rhondadps@aol.com
Rhonda Simon

Anonymous said...

I love David, and I would love to use this poster for my classroom. I was unable to locate it on your TpT page... is there any way I can get a copy of it for Ms. McGlone's Class?

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie! I love your blog. I have been moved to first grade and this would be a great activity for me. Do you have a copy of the poster that you could send? I downloaded the TpT but it wasn't there. Thank you! jenandky@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I am a first year teacher and I can't wait to implement this activity in my new classroom! I would love a poster with Mrs. Ruchti's Class on it! Thanks for sharing. Your blog is so awesome!

Jen said...

Hi Angie,
Do you sell the poster you created of David Learns School Rules on TpT. I can't seem to find it. I would love to use it with my class. I tried to photoshop but can't seem to make it work. Thanks so much!

Jen said...

If the template is available to download or purchase please let me know at jennifermckendry@hotmail.com.
Many thanks!

Unknown said...

Hei! I follow your blog and your useful ideas, your inspirational and "make me go on "pictures. Thank you. I.ve been teaching primary and then english for 18 years and I still have to learn. I love the poster. I am not in the first 10 to ask, but if you can, I don.t know, I.d be glad to get one from you on my mail irinaolticacretu@ yahoo.com for Mrs. Irina' Class.
Thank you and good luck in everything! :-)

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Unknown said...

Hi is the poster available to purchase or download anywhere? I would love it! my email is miye22@gmail.com my name is Mrs. Terrell

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