My TpT Anniversary

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wow! It is my one-year TpT Anniversary!  I’ve been a member for one amazing year, so I decided to celebrate with a 20% off sale!

The sale will start tomorrow, October 13th and last until the 16th! Click on the image above or right here to link to my store.

And thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the many loyal, supportive and amazing customers that I have! 

US Symbols

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We just finished learning all about the United States Symbols! I have updated my US Passport on TpT to include the following:
-Title Page
-Statue of Liberty
-White House
-Liberty Bell
-Washington Monument
-American Flag
All blacklines to create the adorable torn-paper flag and person.
To help learn facts about the US symbols we used some really CHEAP but AMAZING books I purchased from Scholastic. These books are by Lloyd G. Douglas and they are easy readers packed with information.
We completed one writing page for each symbol. The "Fun Fact" was their favorite part! Here is a sample from one page in the book. 
 This was such a fun unit that helped prepare students for the upcoming election! If you feel there are any important symbols missing, please leave a comment and I would be happy to include them in the passport!

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