One of the hardest parts of leaving my past school was leaving my first grade team. They are an amazing group of women and we had so much fun! We all were very different teachers and we didn't agree on everything and that was okay because we respected and trusted each other enough to not cause conflict and drama. Our laughter in the lunchroom could be heard all the way down the hall and I still cherish the amazing relationships that we built.
Hopefully you have also been blessed to work on a "fun" team. Fun teams happen when teachers feel connected with each other, there is respect, acceptance, communication and most importantly everyone is collaborating and working towards the same goal.
This staple remover is less than $4 and it's MAGNETIC! I bought each of my teammates one from Amazon and attached this little tag (because who doesn't love Ryan) and my team gifts are done and I know my team is going to be thrilled!
Click here to download the tag.