Now that second quarter has begun, my students have be given their "Calendar Companion". Let me tell you they were SO excited! (that's why I LOVE first grade) There are many versions of calendar notebooks but I was just not able to find one that fit our exact needs with the new CORE Math Standards so I created one.
I found that student engagement during calendar tends to decrease as students get used to the routine of calendar. So, now that we have spent time learning the routine it is time for each student to get their own
Calendar Companion. Students bring their 3 prong notebook and a pencil back to calendar everyday. I have attached the label pictured above to their folder. Students complete calendar everyday in their notebook.
Here is what is inside their Calendar Companion:
- the above label to attach to the front of their Calendar Companion
- monthly calendar fill-in
- number of the day sheet (tally the number, write the number word, find ten more, ten less, one more and one less, write the number in expanded notation, represent the number in base ten)
- weather graph/analysis
- reference sheet (months of the year, days of the week, number line, color words, number words, hundreds chart)
- tooth and birthday graph
- counting days at school chart
- write the date page
I took the Calendar Companion .pdf file to Staples and had them print poster size images of the file for our calendar wall. It cost about $20 for the 11 posters, SO worth it! My calendar is EXACTLY the same as their Calendar Companion. The amount of students engagement has increased dramatically since students have received their Calendar Companion! I took a picture of my calendar area so you could get an idea of the space I have to work with (notice the beautiful electrical box in the middle of the wall). The picture is not the best but hopefully you get the idea please feel free to email me with any questions!